Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

29222 - Childhood Nutrition and Food

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29222 - Childhood Nutrition and Food
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The course of "Nutrition and dietetics in the infants" contains an important series of practical classes in the classroom and in the field complementary to the theoretical ones.
The practical classes are divided into group problem solving classroom seminars, internship in Primary health care center and field work in an intervention project with obese children.
During clinical internship at the primary health care center, the competencies acquired in the classroom may be supplemented, especially in relation to its application in health and in the development of other transversal activities (communication with the patient, clinical skills, prevention, etc.). ..). In workshops held in small groups, the student is expected to acquire skills and competences in the management of small equipment and instruments, dietary surveys and other material used in the assessment of nutritional status in children and adolescents. In these workshops the student can also demonstrate his ability to work as a team and respect for other professionals.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program offered to the student to help achieve the expected results includes the following activities:
- 30 hours of classroom participatory lectures with expository, explanatory and / or demonstrative content sessions.
- 18 hours of practical seminars classroom hours organized in sessions of approximately 2-3 hours.
- 12 hours on-site distributed in: - Stay in the pediatrics consultation of a Primary Care Center.
                                                  - Visit to field work with obese children in the framework of the NEREU Project.
- 2 hours for evaluation tests

5.3. Syllabus


Age and maturity of the child.
Nutritional status assessment of infant and child.
Nutritional requirements in pediatrics.
Dietary recommendations in pediatrics.
Breastfeeding and formula feeding.
Physical activity of children and adolescents.
Pathophysiology and nutritional disorders in children.
Artificial nutrition in pediatrics.
Nutrition in the immigrant child, adopted or refugee.
Maternal nutrition and prenatal disorders.


- Visit the consultation of Pediatrics at a primary health care center.
- Basic anthropometric assessment in infants.
- Breastfeeding seminar.

- Diet and menu planning for infants, young child and school age.

- Development of education guidelines for healthy eating in children.

- Diet and menu planning for food alergies and intolerance.

- Diet and menu planning for acute gastroenteritis.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

For further details concerning the timetable, classroom and further information regarding this course please refer to the Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y el Deporte, website (